3 Types of Damages in Funeral Home Negligence Cases

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Posted By | September 28, 2024 | Funeral Home Negligence

When a funeral home fails to meet its obligations, the emotional and financial impact on families can be devastating.

In cases of negligence, the law allows families to seek compensation through various types of damages.

This guide explores the three primary types of damages available in funeral home negligence cases, helping families understand their rights and the legal options they have.

Funeral Home Negligence Stats

Funeral Home Negligence Statistics and Facts in the U.S.

10% of funeral homes in the U.S. have been cited for violations related to negligence or misconduct in the past five years.

$500 million is spent annually on funeral-related services that do not meet the promised standards, resulting in legal claims.

Approximately 3,500 complaints are filed each year with state regulatory boards about funeral home negligence.

25% increase in reported cases of funeral home negligence since 2020, attributed partly to the increased demand during the COVID-19 pandemic.

60% of lawsuits involve improper handling or storage of remains, misidentification, or failure to comply with family instructions.

Key Statistics on Funeral Home Negligence in the U.S.

Statistic Data
Percentage of funeral homes cited for violations 10%
Annual spending on unmet funeral services $500 million
Number of complaints filed annually 3,500
Increase in negligence cases since 2020 25%
Most common issue in lawsuits Improper handling or storage of remains
Percentage of lawsuits related to misidentification 30%
Average compensation awarded in negligence cases $50,000 – $100,000
States with the highest number of complaints California, Texas, New York
Regulatory fines issued in the past year $1.2 million
Funeral home closures due to severe violations 15+


Understanding Damages in Funeral Home Negligence Cases

Damages in funeral home negligence cases are designed to compensate families for the harm caused by the funeral home’s failure to fulfill its duties.

These damages fall into three main categories: economic, non-economic, and punitive.

Each type serves a distinct purpose, from covering direct financial losses to addressing emotional suffering and punishing egregious conduct.

Understanding these distinctions is crucial for pursuing a successful claim and achieving a sense of justice.

Economic Damages

Economic damages cover the tangible financial losses resulting from funeral home negligence.

This includes costs like additional funeral expenses, reimbursement for prepaid services not delivered, and legal fees incurred during the process.

For instance, if a funeral home mishandles a body, the family may need to pay for corrective services, adding to their financial burden.

These damages aim to make the family whole by reimbursing out-of-pocket costs directly tied to the negligence.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages address the emotional and psychological impact of the negligence.

These damages compensate for pain and suffering, mental anguish, and loss of enjoyment of life.

For example, discovering that a loved one’s remains were mistreated can cause immense emotional distress, far beyond any financial loss.

Though harder to quantify, these damages are crucial for acknowledging the deep emotional toll on the family.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are awarded in cases where the funeral home’s conduct was particularly reckless or intentional.

Unlike other damages, punitive damages are meant to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar behavior in the future.

For instance, if a funeral home deliberately misleads families or commits gross misconduct, punitive damages may be sought.

While not awarded in every case, they serve as a powerful deterrent against egregious behavior.

Economic Damages in Funeral Home Negligence Cases

Economic damages are designed to cover the direct financial losses that families experience due to the negligence of a funeral home.

These damages aim to compensate for the out-of-pocket expenses that result from the mishandling or improper care of a loved one’s remains.

Understanding what qualifies as economic damages is crucial for ensuring that families receive adequate compensation for their losses.

Additional Funeral Expenses

When a funeral home fails to provide the agreed-upon services, families may have to incur additional costs to rectify the situation.

This could involve hiring another funeral home to perform services correctly, such as embalming or preparing the body for viewing.

These unexpected expenses can add significant financial strain to families already dealing with the emotional weight of losing a loved one.

It’s important to document all these costs carefully, as they can be included in the claim for economic damages.

Reimbursement for Prepaid Services

Many families pre-pay for funeral arrangements to ensure that their loved one’s final wishes are respected and to relieve future financial burdens.

If a funeral home does not fulfill these prepaid services, families have the right to seek reimbursement.

For example, if a family has paid for a specific type of casket or ceremony and the funeral home fails to deliver, the costs associated with these undelivered services are recoverable.

This type of damage ensures that families are not financially disadvantaged by the funeral home’s failure to meet its contractual obligations.

Legal Fees and Related Costs

Pursuing a claim against a negligent funeral home often requires legal assistance, which can be costly.

Economic damages can cover these legal fees, including attorney fees and court costs, that the family incurs while seeking justice.

For families already struggling with financial burdens, having these expenses compensated is essential.

By including legal costs in the claim, families can focus on holding the funeral home accountable without worrying about the financial implications of seeking legal recourse.

Costs for Emotional Support Services

The emotional distress caused by funeral home negligence can be profound, often requiring professional mental health support.

While this may seem like a non-economic damage, the actual cost of therapy sessions, counseling, or other emotional support services is considered an economic loss.

Families should track these expenses and include them in their claim.

This ensures they are compensated not just for their direct financial losses but also for the necessary support they need to cope with the trauma caused by the funeral home’s negligence.

Non-Economic Damages in Funeral Home Negligence Cases

Non-economic damages are intended to address the intangible losses that a family endures due to the negligent actions of a funeral home.

These damages go beyond financial costs and seek to compensate for the emotional and psychological impact that the family experiences.

Although these damages are more difficult to quantify than economic damages, they are just as important in providing a sense of justice and closure for the affected family members.

Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering encompass the emotional distress and mental anguish that families go through as a result of funeral home negligence.

This type of damage recognizes the intense grief and sorrow that can be exacerbated by mishandling or disrespect of a loved one’s remains.

For example, if a family discovers that their loved one was not properly cared for, or was mishandled in any way, the resulting emotional pain can be overwhelming.

This distress is compounded by the already difficult grieving process, making the family’s loss even harder to bear.

Mental Anguish

Mental anguish refers to the severe emotional distress that goes beyond normal grief.

It may include symptoms such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, or even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a direct result of the funeral home’s negligence.

For instance, a family that finds out their loved one’s remains were misplaced or lost entirely may experience profound mental suffering that affects their daily lives.

These cases recognize that the mental toll of such negligence can be long-lasting and deeply impactful.

Loss of Enjoyment of Life

Loss of enjoyment of life is a type of non-economic damage that reflects the impact of emotional trauma on a person’s ability to enjoy their life as they did before the incident.

After experiencing negligence from a funeral home, families may find it difficult to participate in activities they once enjoyed or to find comfort in social relationships.

This loss is particularly significant because it affects not only the present moment but also the long-term quality of life for those who are grieving.

It acknowledges that the emotional scars left by such experiences can change the way families interact with the world around them.

Loss of Consortium

Loss of consortium involves the impact that funeral home negligence has on familial relationships, including the loss of companionship and emotional support.

While this is more commonly associated with the loss of a spouse, it can also apply to the emotional support that other family members provide to each other.

For example, the negligent handling of a loved one’s remains can strain relationships between surviving family members, as they may blame each other or feel guilt and helplessness.

This type of damage seeks to recognize the disruption of these important relationships and the emotional void left behind.

Punitive Damages in Funeral Home Negligence Cases

Punitive damages are a unique type of compensation that go beyond simply reimbursing a family for their losses.

While not awarded in every negligence case, punitive damages play a crucial role in holding funeral homes accountable for actions that go beyond mere carelessness and reach the level of willful misconduct or gross negligence.

Purpose of Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are intended to serve a broader purpose beyond just compensating victims.

They are awarded when a funeral home’s conduct is especially egregious, aiming to punish the wrongdoer and prevent similar behavior in the future.

These damages play a vital role in upholding ethical standards in the funeral industry.

Key purposes include:

  • Punishment: Imposing a financial penalty for harmful conduct.
  • Deterrence: Discouraging similar actions by other businesses.
  • Accountability: Holding the funeral home responsible for its actions.
  • Public Awareness: Sending a message that misconduct will not be tolerated.

Punitive damages ensure that funeral homes adhere to the highest standards, protecting families during their most vulnerable times.

When Punitive Damages Are Awarded

Punitive damages are awarded in situations where the actions of the funeral home go beyond mere negligence and rise to the level of intentional or reckless misconduct. These cases are rare but significant, as they set a precedent and send a strong message to other funeral homes about the consequences of such behavior.

Here are the key circumstances under which punitive damages may be awarded:

  1. Intentional Misconduct
  2. Gross Negligence
  3. Fraud or Misrepresentation
  4. Violation of Laws or Regulations

These situations warrant punitive damages because they reflect a level of misconduct that goes beyond standard negligence.

Legal Standards for Punitive Damages

The standard for awarding punitive damages is generally higher than for other types of damages.

The plaintiff must prove that the funeral home’s behavior was more than just negligent—it must be shown to be intentional, reckless, or grossly negligent.

This often requires clear and convincing evidence, which is a higher burden of proof than that required for compensatory damages.

Because of this, obtaining punitive damages can be challenging, but they serve an important role in the justice system by addressing the most severe forms of misconduct.

Impact on Funeral Home Businesses

Punitive damages can have a significant financial impact on the funeral home involved, as they are often awarded in amounts that exceed simple compensatory damages.

This financial burden can affect the business’s operations and reputation, serving as a powerful incentive for funeral homes to adhere to high standards of care and integrity.

For families, the awarding of punitive damages can provide a sense of justice beyond monetary compensation, as it holds the funeral home accountable for the harm they have caused.

Get Legal Help for Funeral Home Negligence

If you or a loved one has suffered due to the negligence of a funeral home, you don’t have to face it alone.

Carew Garcia is here to help you seek the justice and compensation you deserve.

Call (214) 227-2220 to speak with a compassionate funeral home lawyer today.