Is It Legal To Run A Yellow Light in McKinney, Texas?

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Posted By | September 10, 2024 | Car Accidents

Running a yellow light is something drivers encounter every day, especially in busy areas like McKinney, Texas.

It’s a split-second decision—should you stop, or should you proceed through the intersection? For drivers in McKinney, understanding the local traffic laws is critical to making the safest choice.

This detailed guide explores whether it’s legal to run a yellow light in McKinney, Texas, and what the Texas Transportation Code says about it.

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Understanding the Texas Transportation Code for Traffic Signals

Texas has specific regulations governing traffic lights, and McKinney follows these laws closely.

These rules are meant to protect drivers and pedestrians by providing clear guidelines on how to respond to changing traffic signals.

A yellow light doesn’t mean the same thing to every driver—some see it as a signal to speed up, while others use it as a cue to slow down and prepare to stop.

To stay on the right side of the law in McKinney, it’s essential to know exactly what the Texas Transportation Code says about yellow lights.

Texas Transportation Code § 544.007(e) Overview

The Texas Transportation Code § 544.007(e) provides clear guidelines for handling yellow lights at intersections. Understanding these rules can help drivers in McKinney avoid violations and make safer driving decisions.

  • Yellow means caution—it’s a warning that the green phase is ending, not a command to stop immediately.
  • Proceed if stopping is unsafe—if you’re too close to stop safely, it’s legal to proceed through the intersection.
  • Clear the intersection—you must completely pass through before the light turns red to avoid a violation.
  • Don’t speed up—yellow is meant to prompt caution, not acceleration.
  • Safety first—the key factor in deciding whether to stop or proceed is safety, not speed.

By understanding these basic rules, drivers can make safer decisions and avoid unnecessary fines when approaching a yellow light.

Legal Implications of Proceeding During a Yellow Light

Running a yellow light is not explicitly illegal in McKinney or elsewhere in Texas, but it can lead to legal consequences under certain conditions.

If you enter the intersection as the light is yellow and it turns red before you leave the intersection, you may be ticketed for running a red light.

In other words, while it’s legal to proceed during a yellow light, you could still be held responsible if you don’t clear the intersection in time.

Carew Garcia advises drivers to err on the side of caution and stop when possible—it’s safer and can prevent potential fines or accidents.

Importance of Clearing the Intersection Before the Light Turns Red

Clearing the intersection before the light turns red is the most important rule to remember.

Failing to do so could result in a fine ranging from $75 to $200, depending on where in Texas the violation occurs.

In McKinney, local traffic enforcement is strict about ensuring that drivers comply with this rule.

If your vehicle is still in the intersection when the light turns red, the consequences could range from fines to increased insurance rates.

Always be aware of your timing when approaching a yellow light.

Consequences of Running a Yellow Light in McKinney

Running a yellow light might seem like a minor infraction, but the consequences in McKinney, Texas, can be significant.

While it’s legal to run a yellow light under certain circumstances, misjudging the timing or speed could result in serious penalties.

Penalties and Fines for Violations

In McKinney, running a yellow light could escalate into running a red light if you fail to clear the intersection before the light changes.

If that happens, you may face a fine ranging from $75 to $200, depending on the local regulations and circumstances of the violation.

Some cities in Texas have even higher fines for running red lights due to additional court fees. For example, in nearby Dallas, a red-light violation can cost up to $296.

The specific fine in McKinney may vary, but the financial impact is undeniable, especially when compounded with court costs and potential insurance rate hikes.

How Running a Yellow Light Can Lead to a Red-Light Violation

One of the major risks of running a yellow light is misjudging the timing and getting caught in the intersection when the light turns red.

In McKinney, if any part of your vehicle is still in the intersection when the red light activates, you are considered in violation of the red-light laws.

This can lead to a ticket, points on your driving record, and even legal challenges if an accident occurs.

The transition from yellow to red happens faster than most people realize, so it’s essential to accurately gauge your speed and distance to avoid running into a violation.

Impact on Insurance Premiums and Driving Records

If you are cited for running a red light in McKinney, the consequences extend beyond just the fine.

Your insurance premiums can increase significantly. Many insurance companies view traffic violations as a sign of risky driving behavior, and a single red-light violation can lead to a noticeable spike in your monthly premiums.

Additionally, red-light violations often add points to your driving record, which can result in further penalties if you accumulate too many.

What to Do If You Receive a Ticket for Running a Yellow Light in McKinney

Getting a ticket for running a yellow light in McKinney can be a frustrating experience, especially if you weren’t sure about the rules.

While it’s legal to proceed through a yellow light in certain situations, misjudging the timing or circumstances could result in a citation.

If you find yourself with a ticket, it’s essential to understand your options and the steps you can take to resolve the situation.

Understanding the Ticket and Fines

Receiving a ticket for running a yellow or red light in McKinney can be overwhelming, but understanding the process for dealing with it can make things simpler.

Here’s a concise step-by-step guide on what to do after receiving a traffic ticket:

  1. Review the Ticket
  2. Decide Whether to Pay or Contest
  3. Pay the Fine (If Chosen)
  4. Request a Court Hearing (If Contesting)
  5. Explore Defensive Driving or Deferred Adjudication
  6. Handle Court Fees and Insurance Impact

By following this process, you can address your ticket in the most effective way, minimizing potential long-term consequences.

Options for Paying or Contesting the Ticket

Once you’ve received a ticket, you generally have two options: pay the fine or contest the citation in court.

Paying the fine might seem like the easiest solution, but it comes with consequences such as points on your driving record, as well as potential increases in your insurance premiums.

On the other hand, contesting the ticket allows you to challenge the citation.

If you believe you legally proceeded through the yellow light or have mitigating circumstances, you can present your case before a judge.

In some cases, working with an attorney can increase your chances of getting the ticket dismissed or reduced.

Reducing Points and Preventing Insurance Increases

Even if you decide to pay the fine, there may be ways to reduce the impact on your driving record.

In Texas, drivers can sometimes take a defensive driving course to have the violation dismissed and avoid points being added to their record.

This option is not always available, particularly for repeat offenders or those involved in accidents, but it can be a useful tool for keeping your driving history clean.

Additionally, some drivers opt for deferred adjudication, which can prevent the violation from being recorded if they meet certain conditions set by the court.

Protect Your Driving Record in McKinney

If you’ve received a ticket for running a yellow light or been involved in an accident at an intersection, it’s important to understand your legal options.

Contact Carew Garcia, your trusted McKinney car accident lawyer, for guidance on how to handle your case.

Call today at (214) 227-2220 to get the support you need.