A sudden, unexpected injury can send your life spinning suddenly off course into unexpected directions. You may experience painful medical treatments and procedures as well as the legal challenges of a personal injury claim to recover your losses if someone else’s carelessness or reckless actions caused the injury. Between the medical and legal processes involved…
A car accident is a traumatic experience, especially if you’ve suffered serious injuries with medical expenses and time away from work causing missed paychecks. But what happens when the trauma continues after the accident when you’re ticketed by law enforcement at the same time you’re trying to prove the other driver liable for damages due…
The death of a loved one always feels wrong to family members, but when a death directly results from another person’s carelessness, reckless behavior, or intentional wrongdoing, the civil courts allow close surviving family members to seek restitution through a wrongful death claim to recover damages as well as a sense of justice and accountability….
Car accidents are terrifying and traumatic experiences, especially when they result in painful, life-altering injuries. Unfortunately, the trauma sometimes continues when car accident victims have to navigate the complex legal system to recover their losses after a crash. No one wants to worry about a court appearance when they’re at their most vulnerable—still recovering from…
A car accident is traumatic and terrifying, even if you are fortunate enough to walk away from the accident without physical injuries. However, the experience of a car accident can cause significant emotional damage, including a fear of driving, flashbacks, PTSD, sleep disturbances, and other emotional trauma. The sensation of helplessness and loss of control…